What is Aluminum Powder?

Over many years, a wide range of products in the form of particulate aluminium have been developed. The main categories currently commercially available are: a. atomized aluminum powder b. aluminium flake powder c. aluminum paste. Atomized aluminum powder is granular or spherical in particle shape whilst flakes or pastes, which are produced by either mechanical stamping or ball milling, are flattened platelets.

Aluminium powder is powered aluminum This was originally produced by mechanical means using stamp mill to create flakes. Subsequently a process of spraying molten aluminium to create powder of droplets was developed by E.J

Hall in 1920s . the resulting powder might then be processed further in a ball mill to flatten it into flakes for use as a coating or pigment.

1. Aluminum powder is a light, silvery-white to gray, odorless powder. It is a reactive flammable material.

2. Aluminum powder is a fine granular powder made from Aluminium. In form of powders, Aluminium is used for several applications such as manufacture of slurry, explosive and detonators, thermit process used for manufacture of Ferro alloys and for specialized welding applications such as rails, pyrotechnic to manufacture crackers, sparkles and other pyrotechnic products; manufacture of aluminium paste, paints and several powder components used in automobiles.

Metal Powder Uses

In paints as metallic silver pigment Inks
Rocket and missile fuel
Thermite Welding
Brake lining